Tuesday, May 2, 2017

HVAC Forms

There are important basics that HVAC forms should have. HVAC forms can be quite complex, as there is a lot involved when it comes to servicing any HVAC equipment. Below is a list of items that you should consider including in your form. Some items are very necessary, while others can be optional.
Company Information
A very essential element to any custom printed HVAC form is your company’s information. Consider including your company’s information at the top of your page, so your customers don’t have to put a lot of effort into finding it. Your customers will need to know who to contact and how. Be sure to include most of the following information.
– Company Name
– Logo
– Address
– Telephone Number
– Website Address

Customer’s Information
You will need to include room to include your customer’s information as well, preferably at the top. Depending on your business practices, having complete customer information on your HVAC form may be essential in letting your service team members know where their job location is. Your company will also benefit from recording your customer’s information on the HVAC form for billing purposes and record keeping. If this information is going to be hand-written in, make sure there is a lot of room. The most important customer information that you should include in your form can be found below.
– Customer’s Name
– Billing Street Address, City, State and Zip Code
– Job Location (In case it differs from the billing address)
– Home Phone Number & Secondary Phone Number

HVAC Equipment Information
In addition to keeping information on your customer, you should consider having an area where you include information on the HVAC equipment being serviced. You may need to keep this information for warranty information as well as knowing what parts may be needed for any service appointment whether it is the current one or one in the future. Some forms may have room to detail the information on more than one unit; if you typically service apartment buildings, it may be useful to have room for additional units. Consider having room to detail the following information.
– Make of the HVAC unit
– Model
– Serial Number

It is highly likely that any HVAC service job will require some parts. Make sure that when you are designing the form or looking to purchase one, that there is room to list the parts needed for the job. A very detailed form may have separate columns to indicate the following:
– Item or Part Description
– Qty.
– Price for Each Item
– Totals for Parts

Your company will need to document what type of service was done to the HVAC unit. Both your company and your customer will be able to keep track of these services. Depending on your typical jobs, you may want to allow a lot of room for this section. Allow several lines for your service team members to indicate the details of the job. It is also important that this section includes an area to detail the charges for the work; the labor that the customer is charged is how most HVAC companies make their profit.
– Large Area for Description of Service Work
– Amount for Specific Services (If there is a set price for specific jobs)
– Labor Charges
– Totals for Labor
– Recommendations – List suggestions for future maintenance or any problems that may arise in the near future

Check List of Typical HVAC Services
Some forms include a detailed list of services that your HVAC Company may perform. A pre-printed section will make it easier for your technician to keep track of the work done, not to mention it will be more legible than a hand-written description. If you include a checklist of typical services, the section to describe the labor can be considerably smaller.

Make sure that your HVAC form includes a section detailing the warranty on the parts, equipment and labor. Include how long the warranty will be valid for on the parts and your labor.

Customer Authorization
Include a section indicating that your customer authorizes your technician to do the work suggested. By signing off on this section, your customer indicates that the work was done satisfactory and that they understand the payment terms. A signature line should be below this clause for your customer to sign and date.

Total Charges
Typically towards the bottom of the page your customer will be able to find boxes indicating the total charges for the job. Individual boxes can detail totals for the following:
– Total for Materials
– Total for Labor
– Travel Charges
– Taxes
– Additional Charges
– Grand Total

Method of Payment
It is not unusual for a form designed for the service industry to include an area for the method of payment. If your technician is to record this information while on the job, it should be included on your HVAC form. This section can include check boxes for the type of payment. If you accept credit cards for any of your services, make sure that there is plenty of room to include all of the necessary information. Include check boxes and lines for the following information:
– Cash
– Check #
– Credit Card Type, Card Number, Name on Card, Expiration Date & CVV Code

We hope that with this information, you could be confident to select a ready to print form.
If you decide to design your own, let us build it in a way so that it will work best for your HVAC Company.

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