Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Wafer Seals

There are specific USPS guidelines that need to be understood, and a number of top considerations when determining the perfect wafer seal product.  Among the requirements is the use of wafer seals or self-adhesive tabs instead of staples to seal folded self-mailers.   With Wafer Seals, everyone a winner! The Postal Service doesn't have to be concerned about their machines jamming, and you can mail newsletters that are easier to open and more attractive. Any mail that does not meet USPS regulations may be returned. Our Wafer Seals is designed to comply with USPS Tabbing Requirements! 

 Wafer seals are required when you have materials with folding pages or materials that will come open during the mailing process, like booklets and pamphlets that will be mailed through the US Postal Service. Their main functions are to seal self-mailing newsletters and other bulky brochures and to provide a seal for envelopes, while preventing damage to individual pages. Another popular use for Wafer seal labels is to close small boxes like electronic accessories etc.  You should also be aware of the different roll sizes that are available, so that any project will be much easier and cost effective. If the open edge of the printed product is located at the top then a single wafer seal may be all that is needed. If the edge is at the bottom of the printed material then two wafer seals are needed. 
The size and quantity of tabs shall be determined by the weight of the mailing piece as well as the paper stock used. If these sealing tabs are not used then your materials may not reach the recipient in good shape. The wafer seals will seal the pages closed and expedite the mailing process, while preventing damage to individual pages.

Our Wafer Seals have a Black sensor line between the labels (on liner only, not on label) and are Easy to peel off from the roll. At Quality Paper we have a huge inventory of Wafer Seals and can customize your order to meet your size and color. Every order shipped will have our word to guarantee you of excellent quality. You can be assured that we will deliver your product beyond all your expectations.

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